Thursday, 15 November 2012

Just a Quick One....

Gentlemen, the next Lets Play should be up tomorrow for your consumption but i`d like to address the myriad variations of the same question ive had fired at me via e-mail over and over again since yesterday...

Yes, i am aware that the LPArchive hosts images.

It alters nothing.

That site is probably my thord most visited site of all time, i love it to death and have contributed to its continued existence.


It is simply ONE site.
If the horrible eventuality occurs whereby the site suddenly ceases to exist then all the masterworks it holds would be gone in an eyeblink.

Incidentally im not making any money in doing this, so please those four of you with half a brain between you please stop with your rubbish.

Those of you clogging my e-mail with requests....... maybe is all you`ll get, i`d rather surprise you, my blog, my rules.
Sue ME.

Yes, Syrupleaf is being worked on but think of this, if Headshoots had 85 "parts" and was 440 pages long then how big will Syrupleaf be when its 255 "Parts" long.

Gimme time lads ;).